Mission & Values

Gathering In Christian Love To Serve Our Community And Neighbors


“Gather” is the word we use to emphasize the importance of gathering as a congregation for worship. We believe that the worship service is formational, and our desire in worship is to encounter God in ways that are transformational. Weekly worship is foundational for spiritual growth.  


“Love” is how we describe the importance of discipleship. For too long, the church has thought of discipleship as the transmission of information. We take a different approach. Successful discipleship fosters a genuine and growing love for Christ in the heart of the disciple. 


 “Community” emphasizes the importance of connecting to the body of Christ by engaging in the fellowship of the church. We all need Christian community, and one of the ways we grow as Christians is to experience the joy of uplifting and encouraging fellowship. 


“Neighbors” describes our commitment to our friends, coworkers, neighborhood and community. We believe that Jesus calls us to be representatives of his kingdom, to love those who are undervalued in society, and to serve the needs of the people around us. We engage in service ministries regularly and intentionally, often under the umbrella of I Love My City. 

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